Monday, February 25, 2008
Jang Group Online a wonderful column from Hamid Mir sahab
a wonderful column from Hamid Mir sahab he says that Nawaz Sharif is ready to give midway to Mr Gen (R) Parviz to leave the country.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
News Details saleem safi a pakhtoon colmnist
ووٹ بے نظیر بھٹو کی پیپلز پارٹی،میاں نواز شریف کی مسلم لیگ(ن) اوراسفندیار ولی خان کی اے این پی جیسی قوتوں کو دیاجائے
Jang Group Online a wonderful column from Hmid Mir sahab about election and Perviz Musharaf
Jang Group Online a wonderful column from Hmid Mir sahab about election and Perviz Musharaf + Bush yani Bush + Mush
Jang Group Online a wonderful column from Hassan Nisar sahab about Perviz Musharaf
a wonderful column from Hassan Nisar sahab about gen (r) Perviz Musharaf and this is the voice of my heart too and i am waiting since 4 years for this resignation.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
the defeat of gen musharaf regime
Saturday, February 16, 2008
In Memoriam: Benazir Bhutto — Aitzaz Ahsan
“The first thing I want to do is to release all political prisoners,” she announced as our meeting on November 30, 1988 began at Dr Zafar Niazi’s house in Islamabad. In the elections held after the death of General Zia-ul Haq, the PPP, despite all efforts of the agencies, had succeeded in the elections. After failing to prop up any rival, then-President Ghulam Ishaq had finally agreed that very day to accept her as prime minister of Pakistan.
The historic meeting of PPP leadership was being held to set top priorities for Bibi’s first government. It was here as prime minister-designate that she showed her mettle. So far her life and emotions had been premised on the bitter fact that her dearest father had been deposed, imprisoned, humiliated, falsely charged, hanged and then buried without due ceremony. But she brought to that meeting only her winning smile and the undiluted optimism of a political idealist.
Zia had left behind a large number of political prisoners and convicts of military courts. Each had been denied due process. Releasing them, she said, was going to be her number one priority.
“What pledge should we make to ourselves?” she asked. “That we must ensure press freedom,” I suggested. “For anything that it may print?” she asked. “Yes, for anything. We must set a precedent,” I said. And she agreed at once, excited that it was a good idea.
Next day I was sworn in as her interior minister. In that capacity, I received countless recommendations to prosecute this or that publication. I turned down each of these even hen our government was brutally and deliberately slandered.
Once a cabinet colleague complained to her that I was not prosecuting publications for false propaganda against her husband Asif Zardari. “But Malik Sahib,” she retorted, “we have pledged to allow full freedom to the media. We will have to bear with it.” Then she turned to me and asked: “Is there anything that can be done without the government getting involved?” “Yes,” I replied. “Asif should file a civil suit for damages in his personal capacity.” And so it was that Mr Asif Zardari, husband of a serving prime minister had the grace to file a private civil suit for damages as an ordinary litigant.
That is what she was: at once humane and proper. How can I recount in such a short piece, all aspects of a life lived to such fullness, particularly when I have worked so close to her during her life? Even books will fail to do justice. Presently only a few instances establishing her more prominent qualities must suffice. One was fortitude.
Between 1990 and 1993 there were as many as 18 prosecutions against her and Asif Zardari. Both were also slandered and defamed. I had publicly promised to turn these prosecutions “from the trial of Mohtarma into the trial of Ishaq Khan”. In the end, they were both acquitted in all those cases, with her husband bravely facing adversity and she standing by him like a rock. She had the fortitude to bear the designed torment aimed at her by the notorious regime of Jam Sadiq Ali in Sindh.
Never will I forget that day in 1992 when I entered the outer gate of Landhi Jail to defend Asif in a trial being conducted inside the jail itself. There she was, the former prime minister of Pakistan, carrying two young infants, Bilawal and Bakhtawar, in her arms, and sitting on a pile of bricks. I was furious and immediately went to the Jail Superintendent. But she calmed me down saying that she had learnt not to expect any decency from the jail staff. After all, she herself had remained imprisoned for five years as a young girl.
Through all her trials and tribulations, she demonstrated amazing charm and stamina. When she came to stay with us in Gujrat in December 1986, she arrived at 3 am on that freezing December night having travelled a full 10 hours from Lahore, but she sat up chatting with Bushra for another one hour with Zaynab, our youngest, in her lap. Early in the morning she was up, fresh as a flower, all ready to meet local party officials.
She kept punishing schedules and was the only politician who had toured the entire Pakistan, city by city, town by town, village by village and hamlet by hamlet at least five times. She knew the party workers by face and the towns by the streets.
And through it all she remained a model of womanhood at its most sublime. While being the most hardworking, hands-on, leading politician of the country, she was unabashedly feminine at the same time. In this intolerant and male dominated country, she refused to be uncomfortable about her womanhood. She gave birth to her first child in the middle of 1988 election campaign and another child while she was the first woman prime minister of Muslim Pakistan.
Then there was her courage. She was afraid of nothing. I was on her truck at the time of the blast of October 18. Next morning when I met her she was in her normal routine. I did not know that I was seeing her for the last time. When I sought her leave to return to Lahore for my Supreme Court Bar elections, she said, “It will be a landslide in your favour. Good luck. And thanks for being here.” When I was withdrawing from the parliamentary contest I sent word to her and she consulted me through Senator Safdar Abbasi on my choice for my substitute. She accepted the choice. But I was arrested the day after my election as president SCBA and denied permission even to attend the funeral or soyem of the one who believed in freeing political prisoners and the media, and in politics of non-violence.
As a political leader she could organize and mobilize the biggest political organization in Pakistan, set the political agenda, make millions of ordinary people dream the greatest dreams for this land and yes, in fair elections, win elections too. She could do all that. But what she could not tackle were certain self-appointed guardians of the state, who refused to allow people the right to solve their problems themselves and who harassed, hounded, threatened and conspired against her. They did not permit her a fair shot at the democratic game because they knew that she would win, not by breaking the Constitution or at gun point but through the sheer will of ordinary people who are supposed to be sovereign. Even on the last day of her life, her foremost concern was not how to win the elections but how to prevent them from being rigged. I wonder if people understand that in this lies a tragedy, not only for Bibi, but for this nation.
Many sincere analysts questioned the integrity of her politics. They did not understand that after facing conspiracy after conspiracy, Bibi was forced to factor painful ground realities in her decision-making, always striving to achieve one day her true political ideals.
This fundamental question may indeed be addressed through another question: Why, during the 30 years from 1977, when an elected and popular prime minister was ousted at gun point to the date when Bibi lost her life to another gun, the total period for which she, the most popular political leader, was allowed to govern the country was three times less than the time that Chaudhry Shujaat’s party remained in power? The real source of this country’s problems may be revealed by the answer. In kowtowing to the civil and military bureaucracy there is a premium. He and his ilk can do it. She could not. They survive. She had to be eliminated.
One cannot help wondering why our establishment that claims to be obsessed with maintaining the federation, could not bring itself to see in Bibi that glorious human chain that kept all four provinces together, and as an asset and an ally instead of a foe.
Above all else I will remember her for three qualities: a constant urge to reach out to her people, a willingness to take on Herculean challenges, and for her ability to forgive, even embrace, her enemies. These three qualities made her superhuman. And all three took her to her tragic, yet heroic death.
All I can now say is: ‘Bibi it is an honor to have worked for you and with you. The Himalayas wept the death of your father. The world weeps for you.’
Aitzaz Ahsan is a former Interior Minister and President of the Supreme Court Bar Association
Sunday, February 10, 2008
کون بنے گا وزيراعظم؟ Qayyum Nizami daily jinnah posted by shafique ahmed bloogs
کون بنے گا وزيراعظم؟ | ||||||
پارليمانی جمہوريت کا يہ بنيادی اصول ہوتا ہے کہ انتخابات سے پہلے رائے دہندگان کو يہ علم ہو کہ وہ جس جماعت کو ووٹ دے کر کامياب کريں گے اس کا ايک مرکزی ليڈر ہے جس پر اس جماعت کے سارے ارکان متفق ہيں اور جو وزارت عظمیٰ کا منصب سنبھالے گا پاکستان ميں جمہوری روايات جڑ نہيں پکڑ سکيں ، فوجی آمر جمہوريت کا تسلسل توڑتے رہے اور اپنے برانڈ کی کنٹرولڈ جمہوريت نافذ کرتے رہے 2002ء کے انتخابات پاکستان کی تاريخ کے پہلے انتخابات تھے جن ميں محترمہ بينظير بھٹو اور مياں نواز شريف کو انتخابی ميدان سے باہر رکھنے کے لئے ان پر تيسری بار وزيراعظم منتخب ہونے کی پابندی لگا دی گئی۔ |
collumn from malik Riyadh Hussan posted by shafique ahmed bloggs ہم کیوں زوال کا شکار ہیں
ہم کیوں زوال کا شکار ہیں | ||||||
گزشتہ ہفتے دبئی میں تھا، دبئی سے ترکی اور ترکی کے بعددو دن پہلے لندن آ گیا یہاں آنے کا مقصد بین الاقوامی یونیورسٹی کوپاکستان لے کر جانا تھا، مڈل سیکس یورپ کی بہت بڑی یونیورسٹی ہے اسی طرح کیمبرج یونیورسٹی دنیا کی تیسری، چوتھی بڑی یونیورسٹیوں میں شمار ہوتی ہے۔ ان یونیورسٹیوں میں سے کسی ایک یونیورسٹی کو پاکستان لے کر جانا چاہتا تھا، میری خواہش تھی جس طرح یورپ میں لوگ ان یونیورسٹیز سے مستفید ہو رہے ہیں بالکل اسی طرح ہمارے بچے بھی پاکستان میں اسی طرز کی یونیورسٹیوں میں تعلیم حاصل کریں ۔ اس سلسلے میں مڈل سیکس اور کیمبرج یونیورسٹی کے چانسلرز سے ملاقات کی اور گزشتہ دو دن سے ان کے ساتھ رابطے میں ہوں ۔ ا س دوران ان لوگوں کو قائل کرنے کی کوشش کی کہ وہ پاکستان آئیں اور پاکستان میں اسی طرز کی ایک بڑی یونیورسٹی بنائیں چنانچہ ان کی ٹیم میری تحریک پر 6مارچ سے 13مارچ تک پاکستان آرہی ہے۔ میرا ان لوگوں سے پہلے بھی رابطہ ہوا تھالیکن یہ لوگ پاکستان آنے کیلئے تیار نہیں تھے، ان سے دوبارہ رابطہ کیا اوریہ لوگ آمادہ ہو گئے۔ یہ ٹیم اس سے قبل انڈیا اور ملائیشیا میں بھی گئی اوراس نے ان دونوں ممالک میں اپنی برانچز کھولی ہیں ۔ ان لوگوں سے کہا ہماری ایک پرائیویٹ آرگنائزیشن ہے چنانچہ آپ کو اتنے مسائل کا سامنا نہیں کرنا پڑے گا کیونکہ پرائیویٹ آرگنائزیشن اور حکومت کے پروسیجر میں بہت فرق ہوتا ہے۔ حکومتی سسٹم کے تحت بہت سارے مسائل درپیش ہوتے ہیں جبکہ پرائیویٹ سیکٹر میں ایسا نہیں ہوتا۔ مثلاً اس کیلئے حکومت سے سب سے پہلے زمین لینا پڑتی ہے، حکومت ٹینڈردیتی رہتی ہے اوراس کی منظوری تک بعض اوقات کئی سال لگ جاتے ہیں جبکہ پرائیویٹ ادارے خودمختار ہوتے ہیں ۔ ان لوگوں سے کہا آپ پاکستان آئیں اوربحریہ ٹاؤن کے فیز 8میں ڈیڑھ سوایکڑ رقبے پریونیورسٹی قائم کریں لہٰذا یہ لوگ اگلے ماہ پاکستان آ رہے ہیں اوربحریہ ٹاؤن میں مڈل سیکس اورکیمبرج یونیورسٹی کی طرز کی یونیورسٹی کی بنیاد رکھیں گے جس سے پاکستان میں تعلیم کے میدان میں بہت بڑی تبدیلی واقع ہوگی۔ |
Saturday, February 9, 2008
محترمہ بينظير بھٹو کی سياسی وصيت by Qayyum Nizami of Daily Jinnah posted bu shafique ahmed bloggs
محترمہ بينظير بھٹو کی سياسی وصيت | ||||||
محترمہ بينظير بھٹو کی سياسی وصيت کے بارے ميں پورے پاکستان ميں قیاس آرائياں جاری تھیں پی پی پی کے سياسی مخالفين شکوک و شبہات پھيلا رہے تھے ہمارے ملک کی ايک بيماری يہ بھی ہے کہ جو لوگ عملی سياست ميں شريک نہيں ہيں وہ سياسی تجزيے کرتے ہيں اور فتوے جاری کرتے ہيں سياسی جماعتوں کے فيصلوں پر تنقيد کرتے ہيں غير سياسی پنڈتوں نے محترمہ بينظير بھٹو کی وصيت پر بھی تنقيد کی پارٹی ليڈر اپنی جماعت کی خوبيوں اور کمزوريوں سے پوری طرح آگاہ ہوتا ہے وہ اپنی پارٹی کے رفقاء اور کارکنوں کے مزاج کی روشنی ميں فيصلے کرتا ہے پارٹی فيصلوں پر تنقيد کرنيوالے غير سياسی لوگ پارٹی کے اندرونی ڈھانچے اور تنظيم سے آگاہ نہيں ہوتے لہٰذا انہيں اپنی رائے پر اصرار نہيں کرنا چاہئے۔ |
محترمہ بينظير بھٹو کی سياسی وصيت by Qayyum Nizami of Daily Jinnah posted bu shafique ahmed bloggs
محترمہ بينظير بھٹو کی سياسی وصيت | ||||||
محترمہ بينظير بھٹو کی سياسی وصيت کے بارے ميں پورے پاکستان ميں قیاس آرائياں جاری تھیں پی پی پی کے سياسی مخالفين شکوک و شبہات پھيلا رہے تھے ہمارے ملک کی ايک بيماری يہ بھی ہے کہ جو لوگ عملی سياست ميں شريک نہيں ہيں وہ سياسی تجزيے کرتے ہيں اور فتوے جاری کرتے ہيں سياسی جماعتوں کے فيصلوں پر تنقيد کرتے ہيں غير سياسی پنڈتوں نے محترمہ بينظير بھٹو کی وصيت پر بھی تنقيد کی پارٹی ليڈر اپنی جماعت کی خوبيوں اور کمزوريوں سے پوری طرح آگاہ ہوتا ہے وہ اپنی پارٹی کے رفقاء اور کارکنوں کے مزاج کی روشنی ميں فيصلے کرتا ہے پارٹی فيصلوں پر تنقيد کرنيوالے غير سياسی لوگ پارٹی کے اندرونی ڈھانچے اور تنظيم سے آگاہ نہيں ہوتے لہٰذا انہيں اپنی رائے پر اصرار نہيں کرنا چاہئے۔ |
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
When i hear the news about BB Martyrdom i fell unconscious and i still unable to understand and still I am not thinking that shaheed BB is not between us because she is martyred and we beleave that martyr does not die she will always remain and rule on our hearts. Absolutely she is “Shaheed e Jamhuriyat”. This was an act of Yazeed of the time against an innocent female leader.
and this is a poetry of well known Hassan Mujtaba of BBC
’تم کتنے بھٹو مارو گے‘
جو قریہ قریہ ماتم ہے
اور بستی بستی آنسو ہے
صحرا صحرا آنکھیں ہیں
اور مقتل مقتل نعرہ ہے
سنگ ستاروں کے لیکر
وہ چاند چمکتا نکلے گ
’تم کتنے بھٹو ماروگے
ہر گھر سے بھٹو نکلے گا‘
جو قتل ہوئی وہ خوشبو ہے
تم کتنا رستہ روکو گے
وہ اک ایسا جادو تھی
جو سر پر چڑہ کر بولے گی
ہر زنداں کے ہر مقفل کو
وہ چابی بن کر کھولے گی
شور ہواؤں کا بن کر
وہ آنگن آنگن ہولے گی
تم زندہ ہوکر مردہ ہو
وہ مردہ ہوکر زندہ ہے
’تم کتنے بھٹو ماروگے
ہر گھر سے بھٹو نکلے گا‘
تم خاکی وردی والے ہو
یا کالی داڑھی والے ہو
تم نیلے پیلے اودے ہو
یا گورے ہو یا کالے ہو
تم ڈاکو چور لٹیرے ہو
یا قومی غنڈے سالے ہو
اپنے اور پرائے ہو
یا اندھیاروں کے پالے ہو
وہ شام شفق کی آنکھوں میں
وہ سوہنی ساکھ سویروں کی
’تم کتنے بھٹو ماروگے
ہر گھر سے بھٹو نکلے گ
وہ دیس دکھی کی کوئل تھی
یا تھر میں برکھا ساون کی
وہ پیاری ہنسی بچوں کی
یا موسم لڈیاں پاون کی
تم کالی راتیں چوروں کی
وہ پنکھ پکھیرو موروں کی
’تم کتنے بھٹو ماروگے
ہر گھر سے بھٹو نکلے گا‘
وہ بہن کسانوں کی پیاری
وہ بیٹی مل مزدوروں کی
وہ قیدی تھی زرداروں کی
عیاروں کی سرداروں کی
جرنیلوں کی غداروں کی
ایک نہتی لڑکی تھی
اور پیشی تھی درباروں کی
’تم کتنے بھٹو مارو گے
ہر گھر سے بھٹو نکلےگا‘
وہ بیٹی تھی پنج آبوں کی
خیبر کی بولانوں کی
وہ سندھ مدینے کی بیٹی
وہ نئی کہانی کربل کی
وہ خوں میں لت پت پنڈی میں
بندوقیں تھیں بم گولے تھے
وہ تنہا پیاسی ہرنی تھی
اور ہر سو قاتل ٹولے تھے
اے رت چناروں سے کہنا
وہ آنی ہے، وہ آنی ہے
وہ سندر خواب حقیقت بن
چھاجانی ہے، چھا جانی ہے
وہ بھیانک سپنا آمر کا
’تم کتنے بھٹو ماروگے
ہر گھر سے بھٹو نکلے گا‘
وہ دریا دیس سمندر تھی
جو تیرے میرے اندر تھی
وہ سوندھی مٹی سندھڑی کی
وہ لڑکی لال قلندر تھی
’تم کتنے بھٹو مارو گے
ہر گھر سےبھٹو نکلے گ
and also Anbaer khairy of BBC says:
بینظیر بھٹو کی موت کے بارے میں سوچ کر بڑا غم ہوتا ہے۔ دو دہائیوں سے صحافت میں رہتے ہوئے ہم نے ان کے سیاسی کریئر کو قریب سے دیکھا اور ان کو اکثر تنقید کا نشانہ بنایا۔
اب جب کہ وہ اس دنیا سے جا چکی ہیں تو یہ احساس ہوتا ہے کہ ہم نے ان کی بہت سی کامیابیوں کو بالکل نظر انداز کیا۔
بڑی ہمت والی خاتون تھیں، اور مستقل مزاجی سے پاکستان جیسے ’میل شووِنسٹ‘ معاشرے میں سیاست کرتی رہیں۔
انہوں نے سیاسی کیریئر کے ساتھ ساتھ اپنی گھریلو زندگی بھی قائم رکھی۔ انیس سو اٹھاسی میں ضیاء حکومت کی پوری کوشش تھی کہ وہ انتخابات کی تاریخ ایسی مقرر کرے جو بینظیر بھٹو کے بچے کی پیدائش کے بہت قریب ہو تاکہ وہ انتخابی مہم میں کم از کم حصہ لے سکیں۔ انہیں حکومت کے ارادے کا پتہ تھا سو کراچی میں ان کے ڈاکٹر نے فائل میں بچے کی پیدائش کی متوقع تاریخ نومبر لکھ دی۔ حکومت نے انتخابات کی تاریخ نومبر مقرر کی۔
بے نظیر بھٹو کا بیٹا ستمبر میں پیدا ہوا اور وہ انتخابی مہم میں وہ پوری طرح سے شریک ہوئیں اور دسمبر میں وہ ملک کی پہلی خاتون وزیر اعظم بن گئیں۔ ان کی پہلی بیٹی ان کے دور حکومت میں پیدا ہوئی۔ دوسری بیٹی اس وقت پیدا ہوئی جب ان کی جماعت اپوزیشن میں تھیں۔
انیس سو اٹھاسی میں حزب اختلاف، اسلامی جمہوری اتحاد نے انتخابی مہم میں ان کی اور ان کی والدہ کے خلاف ایک بہت گندی میڈیا کیمپین چلائی جس میں ان کی کردار کشی کی گئی اور دونوں خواتین کے بارے میں فحاشی کے دعوے کیے گئے۔ آگے چل کر ان کے دشمنوں نے ان کے کردار کو تو نشانہ بنانا چھوڑ دیا لیکن ان کے شوہر کے کردار اور مبینہ بد عنوانی کو نشانہ بنانا شروع کردیا اور اس کے بارے میں بہت سی افواہوں نے جنم لیا۔
ہم صحافیوں نے اس وقت بھی بینظیر پر بہت تنقید کی تھی جب انہوں نے اپنا سیاسی یونیفارم مقرر کیا جس میں ان کے سر کا سفید ڈپٹہ نمایاں تھا۔ ہم ’لبرل‘ افراد کا خیال تھا کہ یہ مولویوں کے دباؤ میں آگئی ہیں جو کہ ایک سیکیولر لیڈر کے لیے مناسب نہیں۔ مجھے اب احساس ہوتا ہے کہ ان کا فیصلہ بالکل درست تھا اور ہماری روایتوں سے ہم آہنگ۔
میرا خیال ہے کہ بینظیر ایک کامیاب ورکنگ وومن تھیں، اور اکیسویں صدی کی پاکستانی خواتین کے لیے وہ ایک مثال بنیں۔ مشکلات کے باوجود وہ ڈٹی رہیں اور ہمارے سخت میل شووِنسٹ معاشرے میں انہوں نے کبھی ہار نہ مانی۔
and a special poetry from reyadh ali turi which i want to presnt to you
'ڈھلتے سورج کے ہمسفر
تم کہاں رخصت ہوئی
چہرے اداس چھوڑ کر
آنکھيں نم چھوڑ کر
اپنے لہو کے رنگ سے تم نے
دسمبر کی سرد شام کو
اک ان مٹ سرخی بخشی
وطن کی مٹی کو تم نے
لہو کی خوشبو بخشی
تيرا لب و لہجہ
ترے قدموں کی آہٹ
صدا گونجتے رہيں گے
ہر سو پھيلتے رہيں گے
خزاں کے زرد پتوں کو
لہو لہو کر گئی
اے شام غريباں کی ہمسفر
رياض روتا رہا
تيرا نام لکھ لکھ کر۔۔۔'
تم قباييلوںکی شہزادی ہو
تم دکہے دلوں کی دلبر جانی تہی
تم نام کی بےنظير تہی
تيری زندگی بہی بےنظير رہی
تيری موت بہی بے نظير ہے
ڈہلتی سورج کے ہمسفر
لوٹ آ کہ ہم نے
تيرے راہوں کو چراغ کي ہيں
ایران نے پہلی مرتبہ تحقیقاتی سیارہ خلاء میں رو�
ایران نے پہلی مرتبہ تحقیقاتی سیارہ خلاء میں روانہ کیا ہے۔
جمہوری اسلامی ایران، پہلی مرتبہ تحقیقاتی سیارہ خلاء میں روانہ کرکے دنیا کے 11 ممالک کی صف میں شامل ہوگیا ہے۔
مہرخبررساں ایجنسی کے نامہ نگار کی رپورٹ کے مطابق جمہوری اسلامی ایران، پہلی مرتبہ تحقیقاتی سیارہ خلاء میں روانہ کرکے دنیا کے 11 ممالک کی صف میں شامل ہوگیا ہے۔ تحقیقاتی سیارہ روانہ کرنے کے موقع پر صدر احمدی نژاد بھی موجود تھے صدر ڈاکٹر احمدی نژاد نے کہا کہ حضرت بقیۃ اللہ علیہ السلام کے الطاف و عنایات کے زیر سایہ اور امام خمینی (رہ) اور شہدا کی یاد کے ساتھ تحقیقاتی سیارہ کو فضا میں بھیجنے کی اجازت دیتا ہوں اور امید کرتاہوں کہ یہ کام انسانیت کی ترقی اور وطن عزیز کی مادی اور روحانی پیشرفت میں اہم قدم ثابت ہوگا۔اس راکٹ اور سٹیلائٹ کو تیارکرنے کےبعد ایران خلائي ٹکنالوجی کے حامل گيارہ ملکوں میں شامل ہوگيا ہےصدر نے اس موقع پراللہ جل جلالہ کا شکر ادا کرتے ہوئے دعائے امام زمانہ (عج) پڑھی ایران نے تحقیقاتی سیارہ کو اپنے ہی ایک میزائل کے ذریعہ خلاء میں روانہ کیا ہے ۔ جو ایران کی خلائی میدان میں بہت بڑی کامیابی ہے خلائی اسٹیشن میں ایک زیر زمین کنٹرول اسٹیشن اورلانچنگ پیڈ ہے جس کے ذریعے مارچ میں ملکی سطح پر تیار کیا گیا سیٹلائیٹ امید خلائی مدار میں بھیجا جائے گا۔
ایران نے جدید ترین جنگي جہاز تیار کرنے کا اعلان کیا ہے
ایرانی فضائيہ کے سربراہ میجر جنرل میقاتی نے کہا ہے کہ ایران راڈارپر نظر نہ آنے والے جدید ترین جنگی جہاز تیارکررہا ہے۔
مہرخبررساں ایجنسی کے نامہ نگار کی رپورٹ کے مطابق ایرانی فضائيہ کے سربراہ میجر جنرل میراحمد میقاتی نے کہا ہے کہ ایران راڈارپر نظر نہ آنے والے جدید ترین طیارے تیارکررہا ہے۔جنرل میقاتی نے صحافیوں سےگفتگو کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ راڈار پرنظرنہ آنے والے جدید جنگي طیارے تیار کرنے کا کام بہت جلد شروع کردیاجائے گا۔انہوں نے بتایا کہ صاعقہ طیارے کو راڈار سسٹم میزائل سسٹم اور اس پر نصب کئے جانے والے ہتھیاروں کے لحاظ سے مزید پیشرفتہ بنایا جارہا ہے۔ انھوں نے کہا کہ ایران اسلامی انقلاب کی برکات سے اس وقت تمام علمی اور سائنسی میدانوں میں خود کفیل بنتا جارہا ہے۔
Monday, February 4, 2008
History of kurram ajency and tribes from varou
Turi tribe .
Turi are a Pashtun tribe on the Kohat border of the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan. The Turis inhabit the Kurram Valley, which adjoins the western end of the Miranzai Valley. They speak Pashto and ranking as Pashtun, they are by origin a Turki tribe, of the Shiah sect, who subjected the Bangash Afghans some time early in the eighteenth century. They are strong, hardy, and courageous, and are rated horsemen. Their early dealings with the British government were inclined to turbulence, and they were concerned in the Miranzai expeditions of 1851 and 1855. But the only expedition specially sent against them was the Kurram expedition of 1856. Since then they have settled down and engaged in trade. During the Second Afghan War they supplied Sir Frederick Roberts with guides and provisions. In 1892 they voluntarily accepted British administration. They now furnish a large part of the tribal militia in the Kurram Valley.
The kurram, like various other rivers of the frontier, finds mention in the “Rig Veda” , and its valley must always have been one of the easiest and most used routes into India for the great migrations which took place between 4,000 to 2,000 BC; although no detailed information is available about this. The river is mentioned under the name of Krumu, as one of the tributaries, which joins the Indus on its right bank. The Safed-koh range that forms the boundary of the present kurram Agency appears to be the same as the ancient svethpatha, and it is likely that the rich and healthy uplands of the kurram and khost areas would always have been a place of habitation and agriculture. As in other parts of the frontier too a number of Hindu names of mountain peaks and rivers exist to the present day, proving the undoubted occupation of the country by early Hindu Aryan immigrants. It seems likely that a greek settlement was established in the area by the successors of Alexander, for in the inscriptions found in the Sanchi stupas in mountain of gift by a Greek resident of the Sufed koh, or the sevethpatha. Three coins recently found in Bagzai village have been identified as belonging to the reign of king Sotermegas, or Kodphises 2; another coins of the horseman and ball type, found in the same place has been attributed to the Sahia dynasty that ruled over the entire territory between the Indus and Afghanistan in the 10th century AD.
The first definite landmark in the history of the kurram was the fact that 1148 A.D, Behram Shah of Ghazni fled there after being defeated in battle, and gathered forces with which he subsequently returned and recovered ghazni, in 1163 the Sultan of Ghor placed his brother Mohammad in-charge of the area, and in 1176-77 he conferred the two villages Shilozan and Karman on one of his dependents, Taj-ud-Din Yaldaz, and used to halt her every year on his way to India. After his assassination his body was taken back to Ghazni through the Kurram, of which Karman remained the capital until 1206 From thjis date until 1239 was a period of confused fighting when a succession of rulers held sway. The interruption of the Mangols in 1239 submerged the Kurram, and it disappears from history until humayun , who then ruled at Kabul occupation it before his re-conquest of India. This was immediately after its occupation by the Bangash tribe, who trace their descent from the Quresh tribe of Arabia, and who appear to have descended on the kurram valley after wandering for nearly two centuries though the southern Punjab and back through Waziristan to Khost. At the time of Akbar, the kurram was a part of the area held by this tribe and was divided into two districts of Upper Bangash, or the Kurram valley proper and Lower Bangash, the present kohat district. The Afghans of this tract, called Karlanria Afghan, were known as Roshanis after the of their religion leader, and they led Afghan opposition to Moghul rule,with the kurram as a secure base. They were suppressed under Jehangir, but the Moghuls appear to have exercised very little real control at this remote periphery of their empire, and the area was nominally governed, independently of Kabul, by Bangash tribal leaders from Kohat. On the breakup of the Moghul Empire, the kurram became part of the kingdom of Afghanistan; but in the meanwhile the Turis had overcome the Bangash tribes. This followed the great dispersal from central Afghanistan where most of the tribes led by the Yusafzais, who now inhabit the north-west frontier of India poured over the mountains into their present homes. The origin of the Turis is obscure; it appears that after a period of migration, up and down the kurram in the manner of Powindahs, they had settled at Nilab on the banks of the Indus, whence they gradually forced their way, perhaps on account of droughts and the pressure of increasing population as permanent settlers up to the kurram valley. One theory says that they are of Turkish origin; Mohammad Hayat Khan says that they are Karlanria Afghan; Lumsden says they are descended from Mughols while Edwards and other hold that they are a Hindki race.
The Turis themselves say that they came originally from Persia, and that driven from there they wandered in nomadic fashion till they came to Arabia and the adjacent country at the top of the valley. There they established a summer headquarters, and in the winter took their flocks and herds down country as far as the Indus. Returning each year to the parent colony. All authorities are agreed that the Turis are not pure Afghans although in language, customs and habits (except their religion) they are Pathans. No true Afghan , however, is a Shiah, and the Shiahs of Afghanistan all belong to non-Afghan races such as the Hazarahs, Kizilbash, and Tajik etc.
Throughout the seventeenth century the Bangashes remained in possession of the Kurram, While the Turis from the country above pursued their nomad wanderings up and down the valley. Meanwhile the Turis appear to have increased in strength and numbers, while the Bangashes were weakened not only by internal fends but by the drain on their recourses caused by the colonization of Miranzai and by the struggles with the Orakzai for the possession of that valley. Finally, according to story, about the beginning of the eighteenth century matters reached a crises over an insult offered to a Turi women. The Turi threw off the disguise of nomad vassals, and attacked and conquered Barki which stands on the higher ground above Khalachi. Then they proceeded to consolidate themselves for a time, after which they captured Paiwar. They then held command of the two passes from Afghanistan. The chief obstacle to further progress lay in the villages of Shilozan and Zeran, by far the largest in the valley. With these some arrangement was made, and passing by Shilzan, the Turis took Milana. Paiwar was divided among the Chardai section and Milana among the Saragalla. Once the Turi were in possession of these upper villages, the tide of conquest flowed on uninterruptedly. The Bangashes of shilozan and Zeran were not long in perceiving the turn of affairs, and on their embracing the Shia tenets were admitted into full brotherhood and equal rights with Turis. The remaining Bangashes pressed from above and probably summoned from below to joint in the struggle with the Orakzai, appear to have made little resistance, and the Turis soon found themselves in possession of the whole valley with the Bangashes as their dependents or clients.
It is to be remembered, however, that the tribe at that time still retained its nomadic habits, and was devoid of any fixed residence except for the settlements under the Safed-koh, Which they had previously wrested from the Bangshes and used mainly as summer headquarters. Their presence in the summer in the Parachinar plateau and their alliance with the Bangshes of Shilozan and Zeran enabled them to retain an effective hold over the plateau. To the east they weer threatened by the Chamkanis, but a series of campaigns against the encroaching section of about Bughaki, the Jalandharis, and the Shargha Khels, who had crossed the hills into the Kurram watershed and settled at Jallandhar and Shakardara, embracing the Shiah religion settling down as allies of the Turis. In the lower Kurram the case was otherwise and the Turis confined their annexation to only that portion of the country, which lay on their line of march to their winter grazing grounds.
This route lay on the western side of Charmoghar, and conscquently left untouched the country on the riverbank from arawali up to the mouth of the parachinar plateau. At this point the valley is wide and the country comparatively flat and open, and pressure from above resulted in the tide of occupation, flowing down to within a few miles of Sadda. Here the hills close in, and the configuration of the country is reversed, as the broadening of the valley is in the direction of the Tirah hills.
Tribes Of Upper Kurram
Kurram is divided into three distinct areas of Lower, Upper and FR Kurram. The Upper Kurram is the most populated part of the Agency and inhibited the most prominent and popular tribes of Turi and Bangash along with some other small tribes of Mungals, Jajis, Muqbals and Hazaras. The Lower Kurram is inhibited by relatively small number of Turis, Sunni Bangash and well-organized Zaimakht tribes. The FR Kurram is mainly populated by the Para- Chamkannis, Ali Sherzai and Massuzai tribes.
It was the end of the fifteen-century that the Turi tribe first came into prominence. They wandered in nomadic fashion till they came to Ariob in Afghanistan, the adjacent area at the top of the valley and they established their summer headquarters and in the winter took their flocks down as for as the river Indus. From Nilab, on the bank of Indus River near Attack, the tribe appears to have annually immigrated during the hot weather to the Kurram Valley, then owned by the Bangash. In his dairy of the 1506 A.D. the Emperor Babur mentions the presence of Turis in the Kurram valley.
Origin Of Turis
The Pathan genealogies show the Turis, as well as the Jajis, to be Ghurghusht Pathans of the Kakai Karlanri branch. In genealogy according to Olaf Caroe, They are Karlanri Pukhtuns, with Khugiani and Zazi (Jajis) as their Tarbors (cousins). All of them are the descendents of Khugi; a son of Koday from his second wife and thus Koday in turn is a son of Karlanri.
The Turis, themselves claim that they came originally from Persia with a Turkish family headed by Toghani who married with a Persian lady. This Turkish family quite later migrated eastward from Persia sometime before the establishment of the Mughal Empire in India and eventually settled at Nilab. In other place they claim that they came from Samarkand to Nilab. If their migration from Persia is considered then this afford a plausible explanation to the Shia religion of the Turis.There is little bit doubt in the origin of tribes that they established their summer headquarters at the head of the Valley and in the winter they took their flocks and herds down as for as the Indus at Nilab returning each year to the parent colony. The Bangash remained throughout the century in possession of the Kurram valley while the Turis pursued their nomadic wanderings up and down the valley. During one of their annual migration, about the year 1700 A.D. a quarrel broke out between the Turis and the Bangash owing to an insult of a Turi woman. At that time the Jajis and Turis were united and the first assault made on the Bangash took place in the Hariob valley, which the Jajis seized. The Turis, throwing off the disguise of nomad vassals, attacked and captured Berki, which stands on the high grounds above Kharlachi. Then they proceeded to consolidate themselves for a time, after which they captured Peiwar and by passing Shalozan they took Malana in the Upper Kurram. Once the Turis were in possession of these upper villages, the tide of conquest followed on uninterruptedly. The Turis gradually made themselves masters of the Kurram valley. They drove the Bangash out of the Kurram valley and settled in the major villages of Peiwar, Berki, Krakhela, Kachkena, Malana, Bilyamin, Alizai and the Road Ghara (Bank of the River Kurram). The Turis maintained possession of the valley till the middle of the 19th century, when they were in turn conquered by the Afghan, who remained till the second Anglo-Afghan, war of 1879-80. Finally the Turis came under the protection of the British Government in 1892. The Turis are the main and powerful tribe in the Kurram valley. The Turis are divided into five main sections or clans, sometimes spoken of collectively as the Paniplara (literally five fathers).
Bangash is one of the major Pakhtun tribe. Though, some traditions has a claim of their Arab origin but it is hard to testify this claim and its validity in term of who they are. it suffices to note that by all standard they are perfect afghans are Pakhtuns. Their commons ancestor Ismail, lived at Gardiz in Afghanistan but they were hard pressed by the powerful Ghilzai tribe and thus sometime toward the end of fourteen or in the beginning of the fifteen century they migrated eastward. After, wandering through Multan, Derajat and Khost area for almost two centuries they finally settled in the Kurram valley by the time came the Turis, who at the first were subordinate to them but gradually in their own turn decline the Bangash and pushed them in to the Kohat district .However, a significant number of them still live in big villages of Shalozan and Zeran in the upper Kurram. They are no more different from their co-religious Turi, accept, perhaps in the pride of family and tribal origin. They are mostly referred together as Turi- Bangash and enjoy equal rights. Sharing the faith of Shiaism in Islam, they follow their common religious and traditional leadership. Like the Turi, they also deeply revered Sayeds families and at the same time equally divided in the Drewandi and the Mian Murid factions.
Mangals, Muqbils and Zadrans,, according to Olaf Caroe are believed to be the descendent of the same line of their ancestors as that of Turis , Zazi and Khogianis. Majority of these tribe are living across the border in Afghanistan of Paktia and Khost provinces. For different reason some of them come into the valley and started living along side the Turi in Kurram. The Mangal setters also came originally from Gabar and are settled in a scattered habitation from the Paiwar kotal to Zeran in the vicinity of Spin Ghar lower hills and higher villages behind the villages of Paiwar, Shalozan, Mulana, and Zeran. The villages they hold directly under their control are Turi kotri sursurang under the Paiwar kotal.
Khiljis or Ghaljis
The Ghilzais (also known as Khiljis or Ghaljis) are one of two largest groups of Pashtuns, along with the Durani tribe, found in Afghanistan with a large group also found in neighboring Pakistan. They are the most populous Pashtun tribe in Afghanistan, occupying the north of Kandahar and extending eastwards towards the Suleiman Mountains.
The Ghilzais are concentrated in an area spanning Ghazni and Kalat-i-Ghilzai eastward into western Pakistan, but are predominantly a nomadic group unlike the Durrani who can be found in permanent settlements. Population estimates vary, but they are most likely around 20 to 25% of the population of Afghanistan and probably number over 9 million in Afghanistan alone with 2 million or more found in neighboring Pakistan. They are reputed to be descended at least in part from the Khalaj or Khilji Turks, who entered Afghanistan in the 10th century as well as the numerous other invaders from Central Asia and the Middle East who have entered Afghanistan over the centuries. Most Ghilzai are Sunni Muslims of the Hanafi school and are often devout to their faith and also follow the Pashtun code of honor known as Pashtunwali.. Most Ghilzai work as herders as well as in construction and other jobs that allow them to travel. Often displaying an uncanny mechanical apptitude, the Ghilzai nonetheless have an extremely low literacy rate hovering below 10%.
The Ghilzai have played a prominent role throughout the history of the Middle East, Central Asia, and South Asia.. The Nasher (Ghaznavids) are Ghilzais, as well as the Lodi dynasty, who were rulers of the Delhi Sultanate (1450–1526), were Ghilzai Pashtuns. In 1709, Mirwais Khan Hotak, a Ghilzai Pashtun and founder of the short-lived Hotaki Dynasty (1709-38), led an Afghan tribal revolt against Persian rule that eventually led to the short-lived Afghan domination of Persia from 1722 until 1734 when Nadir Shah began to wrest control from the Ghilzais.
Tribes of F.R Kurram
Kurram, as mentioned earlier, is an un-administered area totally independent and isolated. This part of the Kurram Agency is inhabited by powerful tribes of Ali Sherzai , Massuzai, and Para Chamkanis. To have a better understanding of the tribal configuration, the area may be represented by the better k. If from the point where the three lines meet, a fourth line be drawn to the right horizontally, the meeting point of the four lines is Sadda the upright is the kurram river, the lowest quarter is Zaimusht area, the next Ali Sherzai, the next Massuzai and the highest and last Para Chamkani. A brief description of these tribes are given below.
The Alisherzai,s occupy a strip of country screeching from Sadda along the top of Zaimusht area . The Alisherzai are of Orakzai origin for the purposes of jurisdiction they are divided into pitao and sorai (those who live on the sunny side of the hill and those who live in the shady side). The former are under the kurram political jurisdiction and the later Kohat . Some of the Alisherzai own property and live in Sada (a sub-division and flourishing market), Kurram Agency . They have practically less connection with there co-tribes man in the inaccessible area. with the rest of the Alisherzai tribe the Kurram authorities have little dealing.
Massuzai are also Orakzai the factional division are formed into the Gar & Samil Massuzai . The former consist of the Mastukhail and Dilmarzai and later of the Ashkhel and khwajAkhel. A section of the tribe live in the Khurmana valley in Tirah. Massuzai have no land in upper and lower kurram. The Gar Massuzai, used to have land at some dissent period Ibrahimzai and Baleshkhel villages near sada. It finally passed over from their hands but on a compromises, whereby the, new in habitant became bamsayas of the Gar Massuzais, and were bound to entertain the Jurga when it came to Sada.
The Chamkanis are traditionally supposed to belong to the Ghoriakhel section of the Sarbani pakhtoon. Some authority assign them a Persian origin. They certainly have no connection with the Afridies are Orakzai but by their Sarbani origin they are related to the Mohmands, Daudzai, and Khalils tribe settled in and around Peshawar in the sixteenth century, some of them moved to the north of the east of the kurram valley near Kirman village on the northern slopes of the Sikharam of the spin Ghar range. However, most of the tribe is at present located in the Thabai and awi Darras, in the Khumana valley in Tirah. Although, there is some doubt as to whether the tribe should be called Chamkani are Para Chamkani, since it is contended that the later name belong on the to the Haji khel section. The matter is however, of academic interest only, because people of the kurram in talking of the tribes speak of them as Parras, omitting all together the tag Chamkani.
The Chamkanis are divided into four main section, the Badakhel, as already mentioned have left the tribe altogether and have settled in the Kurram proper. The Khanikhel, the Hajikhel, and the Khwajakhel, who divide into two parties, the Khanikhel, who live far back around Thabai, the khwajak and Haji Khels who live near Kirman in upper Kurram .They are more accessible and are to a large extent dependent for their safe passage on Turi tribe and are somewhat amenable. Whereas, the Khanikhel occupy a possession very like that of Massuzai. In the whole history of British occupation of the valley there had always been trouble while dealing with one or other section of the Para- Chamkanis. FR. Kurram is still a closed and prohibited area with no roads hospitals, and Schools.
ڈان اخبار اداریہ: ’کرم کے حالات پر قابو نہ پایا گیا تو فرقہ وارانہ تنازعات ملحقہ اضلاع میں پھیل سکتے ہیں‘
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- - Articals form Saleem Safi, Hamid Mir, snt Babar Awan, Imran Khan and others READ THE ARTICALS FROM VIREOUS WRITER