As usual i getup at 10 o'clock in the morning and after shaving and bathing go to office and take some juice and cake as breakfast.I use to began the day by click the BBc jang multimedia Geo News and check my e-mails daily and started the day with watching news about pendi bomb blast killing 25 and wounded more then 75 people. 13:30 i go to the hotel where i am working since 2 months and return back 3:45 office and take Lunch at office.and as a habit I use to end the day by click the BBC jang multimedia Geo News and check my e-mails daily. At evening i often use to go Haram Nabavi and visit the famous Baqia Graveyard and Pray over there.then i comeback Hotel and perform my duty there till late night 1:00 and comeback home after bathing do my dinner as well as hear some music and then sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep with help of a half tab??????
u suker mother fukers shia, u ppl gona b fuked up preety soon,
fuk ya all
do not curse & underestimate others and think before u speak ur language shows ur faith & character.
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