Saturday, February 25, 2012
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Saturday, February 18, 2012
The Conspiracies against Turi Bangash Tribes of Parachinar > Insaf Forum > Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf
Parachinar is the capital of Pakistan’s tribal area Kurram Agency and has become famous by the name of Pakistan’s Gaza, has been become a victim of terrorism from last continuously 5 years and more than 50.0 million of its population has become besieged, and now Rocked by a suicide attack claiming 36 Innocent live including children.Turi Bangash tribes of Kurram Agency were the target of Taliban’s, Lashkar-e-Jhangavi and Al-Qaida’s bedevils by the supports of some Intelligence Agencies of Pakistan. Carriages and coaches were attacked and passengers and students have been kidnapped and assassinated, goods and foodstuffs were looted and plundered and carriages have been burnt on fire. And Parachinar got more than the billions of harm due to the blockade and besiege of road. Kurram Agency is very important Agency because its boundaries are shared with Afghanistan’s three provinces Paktia, Nangarhar and Khost. In 1979 when Russian Forces entered the Afghanistan, then America used the Pakistan for his own advantages at that time and America supported the Afghan peoples by proclaiming them for Jihad. Peoples of Afghanistan were supported with every type of weapons, foodstuffs and goods. America and Pakistan chose the tribal area Kurram Agency to defeat the Russia in Afghanistan because its boundaries were attached with Afghanistan’s three provinces and all the tribes of those three provinces were Pathan (Pakhtun). America preached the Jihad in those Pakhtun areas. Stickers and pamphlets were distributed which were containing the pictures and slogans of Jihad, while America granted the Afghan Commanders with much Dollars. When Afghan Jang (Afghan Battle) was in progress at Afghanistan, then Government of Pakistan and Intelligence Agencies of Pakistan (I.S.I) made a program to make the Parachinar the head quarter of Afghan Contentions on the hint suggestion of America and created the Shia-Sunni disturbance to compel the Turi Bangash tribe to let the Kurram Agency. Turi Bangash tribes were targeted by the Afghan Contentions who were fully supported by the well weapons and other stuffs which had been given by the I.S.I and America. According to the program a camp was decided to be put on in Dera Ismail Khan for Turi Bangash tribes. But Turi Bangash tribes sacrificed their young ones for the defending of their areas. And killed the hundreds of Afghan Contentions, in which many Commanders have been also killed and letters were also recovered from their pockets, in which they had written that they will defeat the Turi Bangash tribes and will compel them to leave the Parachinar Kurram Agency just in three days. Even after the defeat of Afghan Contentions, Intelligence Agencies of Pakistan kept the chain of conspiracies against the Turi Bangash tribes repeatedly. Retired Brigadier Muhammad Yousaf, who was a Brigadier in Pakistan I.S.I Intelligence Agency, had been authorised for the responsibility of Afghan transactions by the Government of Pakistan during the Afghan Jang (Battle). Afghan Contentions had been training under the care of him, while weapons and other facilities had been also provided. Retired Brigadier Muhammad Yousaf has described important reveals in his biography book “Shikast-e-Roos” (Defeat of Russia). His biography is an extend story, but I am describing only few words about Kurram Agency here. He writes in his book that I was belonged to the Pakistan’s famous Frontier Force Rajment. I was commanding an Infantry Brigade of Pak Army while I was suddenly made the Incharge of Afghan Bureau of I.S.I. Retired Brigadier Muhammad Yousaf writes in his book that all goods had been conveying the Pak-Afghan Border in Lorries. About 55 D-Poz of different size were established on Pak-Afghan Border, and majority of D-Poz was present in Parachinar, Miran Shah and Chaman. Retired Brigadier Muhammad Yousaf also writes that the area of Parachinar is come out in front like the beak of parrot, which is spread towards the Jalal Abad in north and Khost in south. This area has much military importance for enemy. Forward Supply Dumps of Mujahidin in those areas were too close to the Kabul than Parachinar and Khost. 60% supply for Afghanistan had been processing through the area of Parachinar. The Military Cantonment of Ali Khel was the major hindrance of our path, which was 12 Kilometres away from the boundary. Khost which is in south of Parachinar was also much important for Russian like the Jalal Abad, 25 Afghan Division and 24 Sarhadi (Boundary) Brigade were present there. They were also responsible for the supply to the posts near the boundaries. 20% supply for Afghanistan had been processing through Miran Shah. If we think about the words of Brigadier Muhammad Yousaf then we can understand, that why the Kurram Agency has much importance than the other Agencies of Pakistan for America, Al-Qaida, Taliban’s and Intelligence Agencies of Pakistan. Some important leaders and hundreds of Contentions (Mujahidin) of Al-Qaida marched towards the Kurram Agency when in December 2001 America bombarded the compound of Al-Qaida in Torah-Bora. But tribes of Kurram Agency were patriotic and beloved of country therefore they refused to give them shelter and referred the Al-Qaida Contentions to Government and Security Forces. Taliban’s and Al-Qaida asserted much anger and scorn for tribes due to that movement. Al-Qaida and Taliban’s started their activities against the tribes of Kurram Agency from 2007. Al-Qaida and Taliban’s established their strongholds in different areas of Lower and Central Kurram. And the activities of Al-Qaida and Taliban’s are still continued from 2007 here in Kurram Agency. Taliban’s have been demanding from 2007 that Turi Bangash tribes allow them for the road of Afghanistan otherwise they will keep their activities continued against the Turi Bangash tribes. On other hand Turi Bangash tribes have faced bedevils and did not allow the Al-Qaida and Taliban’s to use their land for terrorism even they had faced them in battlefields many time from 2007 to until now. Haqqani Network is also in motion besides the Al-Qaida and Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan in Kurram Agency. Writer is also the resident of Parachinar and belongs to the journalism and an eye witness for the 5 years terrorism. There is no doubt that Taliban’s and Haqqani Network have been supported by some Agencies of Pakistan, it has been cleared because Taliban’s and Haqqani Network were occupant on Thall Parachinar road from continuous 5 years. Writer has described and informed the peoples again and again about the real facts of terrorism in Kurram Agency and Higher Officials about the real heads of terrorism in articles and news. Because of which Writer has been threatened for killing and kidnapping on telephone and by means of letters by Tehrik-e-Taliban Islami Pakistan, Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan and Lashkar-e-Jhangavi Alalami, While Writer has been also warned by the Intelligence Agencies. Because God is the owner of life and death therefore Writer will bring real facts from time to time for the common peoples. When Taliban’s, Haqqani Network and Intelligence Agencies of Pakistan could not achieved their aims in Kurram Agency then suddenly in October 2011 Government Agencies became moveable for the opening of Thall Parachinar road and to reinstate of excluded peoples. And they claimed that Kurram Agency has been made clean from Talibanization. And Shia-Sunni tribes of Kurram Agency have agreed for the settlement of peace. Government announced the opening of all roads in Kurram Agency from 30th October 2011. And only after two days of mentioned announcement at Hayat Abad in Peshawar well armed extreme terrorists kidnapped the Dr. Sayed Muhammad Jamal who belonged to Turi Bangash tribes and shifted him to Khyber Agency. And terrorists demanded 100 million rupees for the payment of ransom. 0n 7th January 2011 after suffering the two month’s hardships and severities of terrorists Dr. Sayed Jamal has been killed with inhumanity and cruelty by the terrorists in Khyber Agency. Dr. Sayed Jamal has been buried on 8th January 2011. Taliban’s started attacks and blasts suddenly in Central Kurram Agency after the settlement of peace and announcing of road openings from 30th October 2011 in Kurram Agency. And only in the month of December two officers of Security Forces and common tribal’s and many Security Artisans have been killed, while some sources say that some important Leaders of Al-Qaida and Lashkar-e-Jhangavi Alalami are also present in Central Kurram Agency. I am trying to describe some important points here in article, which are; that during five consecutive years Turi Bangash tribes did not allow the Taliban’s or Haqqani Network for shelter. They did not allow the Taliban’s, Haqqani Network and Al-Qaida to use the road of Kurram Agency for arrival or departure to Afghanistan, while Government of Pakistan and Intelligence Agencies of Pakistan have started to seize the basic rights on Turi Bangash tribes as in punishment. And in 1st step Government has ordered to shift the C&W Division Office from Parachinar which is the capital of Kurram Agency and major area of Turi Bangash tribes to Sadda which was the head quarter of Taliban’s, Lashkar-e-Jhangavi Alalami, Al-Qaida and terrorists. C&W Division Office was established at Parachinar in 1973. And now suddenly the shifting of C&W Division Office to Sadda from Parachinar is significant. It means that something is wrong. Who is supporting the Al-Qaida, Taliban’s or Haqqani Network? While some sources say that besides of C&W Division some other offices and faculties are also going to be shifted in Sadda from Parachinar. Turi Bangash tribes and political parties have asserted their untrustworthy towards the Government because of shifting of C&W Division to Sadda from Parachinar without any reason and called it a conspiracy against the Turi Bangash tribes. Tribal elders told the Writer in a conversation that on a one side Government is claiming the settlement of peace while on another side Government is seizing the basic rights on them. Tribes told that seizing of basic rights from them in the claims of peace is a fraud. Tribes told that Kurram Agency has been destroyed because Government has besieged the Parachinar by means of Taliban’s, Lashkar-e-Jhangavi Alalami, Al-Qaida and terrorists for five consecutive years. And now seizing of basic rights is lifting the Parachinar more behind. Tribes told that at BalashKhel in Lower Kurram Agency 9 thousand Jirab land of Turi Bangash tribes is occupied by Parachamkani and Masoozai tribes by the support of Taliban’s. Unauthorised houses are building on those land of Turi Bangash tribes by Parachamkani and Masoozai tribes by the support of Taliban’s. But Government is completely silent on the buildings of those unauthorised houses and presence and activities of Taliban’s. Tribal elders have demanded the Government immediately to end the occupancy of Parachamkani and Masoozai tribes and Taliban’s. Otherwise Turi Bangash tribes will never grudge sacrificing for their rights. And Government will be responsible for everything. | |
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